Our other areas of expertise
  • High-rise buildings
  • Property development
  • Private-Public Partnership
  • Modular construction

High rise building

In a world where urbanization is constantly increasing while demography is progressing on almost all continents, one solution is obvious to all: we must build vertical! With more than 80 projects worldwide, Bouygues Bâtiment International is recognized for its expertise in the construction of high-rise towers. Up to 314m high for the Mahanakhon tower in Thailand! Structural calculations, loads spreading, seismic dampers, facade designs … so many parameters that our engineers integrate from the design stage to guarantee users maximum comfort and safety. And because a high-rise tower often has a strong architectural design, we put all our know-how to serve the aesthetic ambition of our projects: from The Sail towers (Singapore) to the Morpheus hotel (Macau) in passing through the Manhattan Loft Gardens (United Kingdom), we have taken up the complex challenge of constructing buildings that draw the skyline of their country and have won the most prestigious international architectural prizes.

Property development

Property development is a critical aspect of our strategic positioning. Composed of specialists in project management, our property-development network Linkcity has the mission to transform the urban environment by offering projects that create long-term value. The network’s aim is to design developments that strengthen social cohesion and encourage exchange, so that firms, retailers and people are drawn to settle in the town or city and will want to stay.

Linkcity consults and collaborates not only with its clients but also with the future users, drawing in those partners most appropriate to the requirements of any project. In line with the company’s open-innovation culture, we provides our expertise for all the technical, town-planning, regulatory and financial solutions necessary for the realization of each project.

Private-public Partnership

To help public actors (state, local authorities, public institutions) to finance and carry out their projects, Bouygues Batiment International has forged a solid expertise in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). We provide financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of works on behalf of public contractors.

With nearly 30 years of experience in the United Kingdom, our PPP contracts have enabled many public buildings and works to be built in Europe, Asia and America.

Modular construction

A pioneer of modular construction, Bouygues Bâtiment International is the only company to offer its clients a global approach, from technical feasibility studies to delivery. This unique positioning is coupled with the ability to handle all aspects of production: module manufacture, transport, logistics, installation and onsite coordination of the necessary specialist skills. This precision expertise gains time and efficiency for the company’s clients.

Dragages Singapore first used modular construction in 2006, for the residential complex The Sail @ Marina Bay. Later, the company constructed the extension to the Crowne Plaza hotel and the Woodlands Crescent Nursing Home entirely in Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC). The business model has also already been used with great success elsewhere, notably in the UK. To stay constantly ahead of the curve, Bouygues Bâtiment International’s R&D teams are currently working on innovative materials and construction methods, aiming to reduce the weight and cost of modules.


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